Monday, December 27, 2010

The Return of HappyGeorge

"Hey! You from Canada?"

I was walking towards the Game store (kind of a South African Walmart, the newest shopping destination in Lilongwe - and home to the 500 kwatcha giant Cadbury chocolate bar), when a young man interrupted me.

"I remember you!" I regarded the interloper cautiously. This kind of greeting generally turns into some sort of solicitation for money.

"From near Korea Hotel. You remember my name?"

I shook my head, wondering what he was selling.

"HappyGeorge? You remember me?"

Of course I did! I had bought four bracelets from HappyGeorge, and written a blog about him. And here he was again!

I wish I could say I was happy to see him - but I was too intent on figuring out how to avoid further financial damage while under his spell.

"Because we're friends, I made you a present. No cost, just a present. A painting of my village, for you. A present."

One thousand kwatchas later, I owned a new painting and a fifth bracelet.

You can see why George is Happy.

I got verbal permission for his photo to be uploaded on the Internet, so here he is:

As we were completing our transaction, another young man showed up and began to put out some paintings. A store security guard ambled over to see what was happening, then wandered off after HappyGeorge said something to him.

Five thousand kwatchas later, I owned a second new painting and three gift cards.

That transaction went down with the assistance of HappyGeorge, who appeared to be representing both myself, the buyer, (his friend) and the other guy, the seller (coincidentally, also his friend). At the end of it all, I think HappyGeorge walked away with a commission of some kind - and two new friends.

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