Monday, December 20, 2010

My Cocoon

Now that I'm at Nancy's home, I am a little more vigilant about mosquitoes (as we are outside the city and I have seen several buzzing about) so in addition to my weekly anti-malarial pill and occasional anointing with repellent, I have taken to sleeping under the mosquito net Lisa Anderson gave me.

I just love it.

It is like a safe and comforting cocoon - protected by gentle white downy fabric, from malaria-heavy mosquitoes. I took a photo of it from inside this morning:

And here's an outside view:

I think my love of the mosquito netting harkens all the way back to when I used to babysit for the Groombridge kids. Susan, the youngest, had a canopy over her bed, and I quite admired it and thought how wonderful it would be to have a canopy myself. Since she was about two years old at the time, I felt it was rather unappreciated!

Although I have never had a canopy bed, the yearning had never abated, and the mosquito netting seems to be fulfilling some unmet past need.

I have taken to going to bed early and reading under the safety of my ethereal curtaining, feeling like a princess, tucked away safely.


  1. Ohh Roseanne - I do love your story telling abilities and know that I feel the same way when I sleep under mosquito netting in Cuba. Somehow that white net becomes a magical forcefield of protection from all of the creatures under the bed and in closet - not to mention those nasty little vampires that attack at night!

  2. I'm sure it's keeping lizards out of my bed, too!
