Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Centipede Update!

Adam Gamble wrote to provide further details about my recent centipede encounter. Apparently, it was not a centipede, it was a milipede. I am chocking up my failure to recognize its true nature as yet another example of my poor math skills. As Adam explained: " By the way that giant “centipede” is actually a giant African millipede  ( and they can apparently reach 15 inches in length."

Good to know.

In further insect news, Linda informed me this morning that there was another invasion of winged termites - this time they somehow found their way into the inside of her washing machine (which sits outside in a covered, but not enclosed, shelter). They filled it up about half way, and many were still alive this morning! She had to scoop them out.

I have a feeling I will leave Africa with stories of insects, not stories of lions, elephants and rhinos, any of which I would prefer to meet!

1 comment:

  1. oh...i could have told you that was a milipede! and funny, these don't freak me out so much...i think it is because i can't see their legs!
