Tuesday, January 4, 2011

In Mozambique

This will be brief as I'm in a room with pay by the minute Internet Access, with people who speak Portuguese, as that is the primary language spoken here. Oh, and everyone seems to own a motorcycle.

I arrived yesterday - feeling very alone, without my English-speaking missionary friends. It was also scary at my new abode - a house, quite nice, but when the power went off last night, I was already a little freaked out and freaked out further. It was the first time I got to use my handy headlamp thing - which turned into a nightmare. In a completely dark room, all the insects became attracted to the one light that was shining - on my forehead. All I can say is that it seemed like a good idea when I bought it. Then it was raining, thundering, and I was more lonely and freaked out. Did I mention there is no hot water? Or that I brought groceries along, but didn't think of bringing toilet paper?

AND, as if that wasn't bad enough, my first group of students are QuickBook students - with basic accounting background, which doesn't include the debit/credit dual-entry accounting I was taught. So I had to dredge up, from memory, without any documentation, all the basic stuff - it took me from 7 pm to 1 am to come up with enough to teach today - while dealing with bugs, power outages and pervasive fear.

I actually came online to get some QuickBook manuals for non-profits, which I can add to the long list of things I wish I had done ahead of time! I am attempting to keep one idea ahead of my students - one is an accountant and ex-computer teacher, so I suspect he may be onto me already!

It is rainy, getting dark, the mosquito onslaught is imminent. I can't use Facebook as I don't have time to go through all the security questions on this computer, which is not my own, and has a South African IP address.

I likely won't go online until the weekend at the earliest, so for anyone reading, goodbye for now! If you sent a Facebook message, it will be awhile before I respond. Hmmm - there is some loud racket outside which started out sounding like singing, now is either yelling or chanting.

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