Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's the Network!

We held the Pasta Dinner and Christmas Baking tray auction on Saturday, November 29, 2010. I was overwhelmed to see so many people show up, and grateful for the amount of money raised. Altogether, we have raised more than 75% of the amount I needed - over $3600! A special thanks goes to my dedicated and hard-working Fundraising Team - Alice, Doug, Karen, Kathy, Myrna, and Theresa. When I told my contacts at CRWRC, the agency which is coordinating my trip, that I had a Fundraising Team, there was a moment of surprise and exchanged glances. I guess most people don't have the advantage of an entire "nothing but net" team in their court!

As I reflected on how it feels to be surrounded by so much support, the image that came to mind was of the Network, from the Verizon cell phone commercials. If you're not sure what I mean, watch this commercial on youtube.

That's how it feels to be me - even though I'm going to Africa alone, it feels like there's a whole network of people accompanying me - all the people who have participated in the Pasta dinner fundraiser, donated money or other items, attended an E-Team fundraiser at work, prayed for me, cooked or baked for me, talked to me, helped me - all of you - everyone reading this - has become part of my Network. It's a comforting feeling - to know that you are all part of this with me.

Because it's kind of scary to dive into the new and unknown alone - even for an introvert like me!

I only wish my mother could be here to see this - it would have meant a lot to her to know that my church family and friends from work have been with me every step of the way. There was a moment on Saturday, before our guests arrived, when I was standing alone in the CCS gym, surveying all the place settings, and admiring the beautifully wrapped Christmas baking trays, when it hit me, hard, that she wouldn't be joining us for the dinner. As my nephew Cade mentioned during his eulogy, my mother loved eating out! But even more so, she would have been moved to feel the love that I felt on Saturday.

I never fully understood what people are missing when they worship alone, until the last few weeks. I'm not saying that you can't experience God when you're alone, but I do think that the fellowship of shared community is essential. "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." is how the Bible puts it in Matthew 18:20. When Karen thanked everyone on behalf of our family, I know that my parents were part of that.

A few other special memories:

  • Theresa telling us how her husband Ray doesn't like pasta - and our subsequent harping on Ray's obscure nutritional requirements

  • Kathy coordinating the kitchen - keeping everyone slicing, dicing and julienning

  • Myrna's look of horror when I confided that I had broken the handle on the school's salad spinner (which, incidentally, I replaced)

  • Debating with Karen over whether to stud pineapples with the fruit kebabs - and her adamant refusal to endanger the fingers of those who would try to pull them out

  • The woman who wrapped my gingerbread house telling me how great Doug was as an assistant wrapper: "I'd work with him again!"

  • When my sister Lisa helped draw lottery tickets

  • Listening to Pastor William, who temporarily exchanged his pulpit for the auction block, and his sermon for "I’m at $50 and I want $55, $55, bid on $55, I’m at $50 would you go $55, $55."

  • Hearing about how Margaret Koomans outbid her own husband, all for the sake of an almond ring

  • Watching Matthew Wiersma consume two gigantic heaping spoonfuls of sugar before supper, and subsequently jumping up and down with sweet joy after winning a coffee grinder and coffee

  • Watching the re-drawing of the winning lottery ticket as person after person volunteered to "give up" their opportunity to bring home the dentist-defying Grace CRC Gingerbread Church

  • The amazing Grace CRC clean-up machine, plowing its way through hundreds of dirty plates, mugs, pots and utensils - executed with the flawless precision of a Nadia Komenich gymnastics routine

  • Alice proclaiming, after the last dish was washed and put away, "It was fun!"

  • The thing is, I haven't gone to Africa yet - but thanks to all of you, I already feel like I have had a profound experience unlike anything else in my life. When I told Margaret VanDaalen that, after church today, she observed, "That's the Holy Spirit working!"

    Hey - maybe it's the Holy Spirit's way of saying, "Can you hear me now?"

    There's just no words big enough to express how I am feeling - so I will resort to monosyllabic simplicity - THANKS.

    Photographic Memories

    Kathy, urging Karen to cut even more sundried-tomatoes!

     Margaret and Theresa - Mango Maniacs!

     Myrna, brandishing a sharp fruit kebab, moments before an impromptu self-inflicted tongue piercing.

    African Desserts

    Christmas Baking Platters

     Me and two of my sisters

     Wilma volunteers at the auction table

    Pastor William hawks while Myrna quietly shows off her new tongue piercing to Doug

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