Monday, January 10, 2011

Spiders - Up Close and Personal

The Internet is moving with break-neck speed tonight (153.6 kbits/s to be exact), so I am going to try to post a couple of pictures.

This is NOT the largest spider, the one that almost took me down the other night - this was it's slightly smaller cousin which I cornered in the hallway, and was able to catch in a glass, for disposal outside. I'm all about wildlife preservation. Second only to self-preservation.

Note the teabag, for scale. After capturing it, I had my morning cold shower, and came back. Apparently, the spider had made itself at home by constructing a web in the interim! The half-full vitamin bottle, in case you're wondering, is to prevent the spider from bursting past the Dutch-language postcard which was the only barrier between itself and freedom. In case it had noticed....


  1. Roseanne, you are a brave, BRAVE soul! I would of passed out from fear.

  2. i didn't need the visual, the descriptive was enough - i am having to type with one hand as i hold the other in front of this photo!!!! i fear i will have nightmares...
